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School Outfit Tatsumaki

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
Tatsumaki, a very cold and brash woman who can come off as having a lack of positive emotions. Don't let this fool you for she does have a softer side to her that not many get to expierence. Don't get on her bad side though or else she will unleash her wrath upon you with no question. Being a hero can be tough and take away from life expierences like school so shes decided to take the day off and attend school for the day so will you join her for class?

-Series: One Punch Man

-Character: Tatsumaki

-Measurements: 6 X 4

-Material: Glossy Vinyl

-For Indoor and outdoor use

-UV and water resistant

-Please allow 7-14 days for your order to start shipping.

If you have any issues or your items are damaged upon receiving them contact me through our email or through the contact page.

When applying your vinyl sticker please make sure the surface you place it on is clear of debris to prevent any peeling or other complications. For more of a visual example, please YouTube "How To Apply Vinyl Stickers" for a visual example :)